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Data Grid - Pagination

Easily paginate your rows and only fetch what you need.

Size of the page

The MIT DataGrid is limited to pages of up to 100 rows. If you want larger pages, you will need to upgrade to Pro plan or above.

By default, each page contains 100 rows. The user can change the size of the page through the selector in the footer.

Page size options

You can configure the page size the user can choose from with the rowsPerPageOptions prop.

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Automatic page size

Use the autoPageSize prop to auto-scale the pageSize to match the container height and the max number of rows that can be displayed without a vertical scroll bar.

Initialize the page size

To initialize the page size without controlling it, provide the page size to the initialState prop.

    pagination: {
      pageSize: 10,
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Controlled page size

Use the pageSize prop to control the size of the pages.

You can use the onPageSizeChange prop to listen to changes to the page size and update the prop accordingly.

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Current page

Initialize the page

To initialize the page without controlling it, provide the page to the initialState prop.

    pagination: {
      page: 1,
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Controlled page

Use the page prop to control the size of the pages.

You can use the onPageChange prop to listen to changes to the page and update the prop accordingly.

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Server-side pagination

By default, the pagination is handled on the client. This means you have to give the rows of all pages to the grid. If your dataset is too big, and you only want to fetch the current page, you can use server-side pagination.

Basic implementation

  • Set the prop paginationMode to server
  • Provide a rowCount prop to let the grid know how many pages there are
  • Add an onPageChange callback to load the rows when the page changes

Since rowCount prop is used to compute the number of available pages, switching it to undefined during loading reset page to zero. To avoid this problem, you can keep the previous value of rowCount while loading as follow:

const [rowCountState, setRowCountState] = React.useState(rowCount);
React.useEffect(() => {
  setRowCountState((prevRowCountState) =>
    rowCount !== undefined ? rowCount : prevRowCountState,
}, [rowCount, setRowCountState]);

<DataGrid rowCount={rowCountState} />;
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Cursor implementation

You can also handle servers with cursor-based pagination. To do so, you just have to keep track of the next cursor associated with each page you fetched.

Custom pagination UI

You can customize the rendering of the pagination in the footer following the component section of the documentation.


setPage: (page: number) => void
setPageSize: (pageSize: number) => void


gridPageCountSelector: (apiRef: GridApiRef) => number
// or
gridPageCountSelector: (state: GridState, instanceId?: number) => number
// or
gridPageCountSelector(state, apiRef.current.instanceId)
gridPageSelector: (apiRef: GridApiRef) => number
// or
gridPageSelector: (state: GridState, instanceId?: number) => number
// or
gridPageSelector(state, apiRef.current.instanceId)
gridPageSizeSelector: (apiRef: GridApiRef) => number
// or
gridPageSizeSelector: (state: GridState, instanceId?: number) => number
// or
gridPageSizeSelector(state, apiRef.current.instanceId)
gridPaginatedVisibleSortedGridRowEntriesSelector: (apiRef: GridApiRef) => { id: GridRowId; model: GridValidRowModel }[]
// or
gridPaginatedVisibleSortedGridRowEntriesSelector: (state: GridState, instanceId?: number) => { id: GridRowId; model: GridValidRowModel }[]
// or
gridPaginatedVisibleSortedGridRowEntriesSelector(state, apiRef.current.instanceId)
gridPaginatedVisibleSortedGridRowIdsSelector: (apiRef: GridApiRef) => GridRowId[]
// or
gridPaginatedVisibleSortedGridRowIdsSelector: (state: GridState, instanceId?: number) => GridRowId[]
// or
gridPaginatedVisibleSortedGridRowIdsSelector(state, apiRef.current.instanceId)
gridPaginationRowRangeSelector: (apiRef: GridApiRef) => { firstRowIndex: number; lastRowIndex: number } | null
// or
gridPaginationRowRangeSelector: (state: GridState, instanceId?: number) => { firstRowIndex: number; lastRowIndex: number } | null
// or
gridPaginationRowRangeSelector(state, apiRef.current.instanceId)

More information about the selectors and how to use them on the dedicated page